An Unexpected Christmas: Stories of Holidays Wrapped in Miracles, Mishaps, and Mischief - Daphne Tarango, Veronica Berry, Carl Colbert, Rose P. Evelyn-Hall, Donna Kelly, Luis Tarango, Kim Wilbanks, Amberlyn Dwinnell & Sarah Farnsworth

An Unexpected Christmas: Stories of Holidays Wrapped in Miracles, Mishaps, and Mischief

By Daphne Tarango, Veronica Berry, Carl Colbert, Rose P. Evelyn-Hall, Donna Kelly, Luis Tarango, Kim Wilbanks, Amberlyn Dwinnell & Sarah Farnsworth

  • Release Date: 2018-12-14
  • Genre: Fiction & Literature


Remember that Christmas everything went as planned? No one had an argument? No Christmas ornaments broke? And all the dishes turned out perfectly? Every Christmas, something unexpected happens. Sometimes, it’s a little thing. Other times, it’s a lot bigger.
An Unexpected Christmas is a collection of the stories of Christmases no one ever expected. Read about Santa sprinkling coal dust on a child. Watch an elderly man relive his life through the ornaments on a tree. Bundle up for a freeze in an otherwise tropical city. Check out the time Santa wore sneakers. And read about the time baby Jesus went missing.

Some stories are humorous. Others, quirky. Some, introspective. Others, sorrowful. Even in the poignancy of grief, you can discover the thread of hope and joy woven throughout each story.

Enjoy An Unexpected Christmas: Stories of Holidays Wrapped in Miracles, Mishaps, and Mischief.